Family Promise of Lewis Clark Valley began when a representative from the national office came to our valley and visited several churches. This representative conveyed to the different clergy the need for an Interfaith Hospitality Network (later called Family Promise) in our area.
A video about the organization was presented and the invitation was made for representatives to come to a town hall meeting scheduled in April 2005 at the Edge Student Center of the Church of the Nazarene. It was at this meeting in April 2005 that Claas Ehlers, Director of IHN Development from Summit, NJ presented the story of Interfaith Hospitality Network and the need in our area to about fifty people from various churches in our valley. The seed that was planted at this initial presentation was what gave birth to the core group.
This core group began to have monthly meetings to plan for the establishment of Family Promise in the Lewis Clark Valley. Over the next three years a small group of committed individuals worked and God enabled us to put together a program that would ultimately have a huge impact in our community.
In August of 2008 we opened our doors to families in crisis in the valley and Family Promise of Lewis Clark Valley Inc. was born! We have gone though some challenges in our first few years but God has been faithful to us and we have seen many families move from homelessness and heartache to permanent housing and a new outlook on life. We now operate three primary programs our New Foundation Family Shelter Program, Bridge Family Transition Program and the Family Promise Diaper Bank.
We are committed to continue to serve families in crisis in our community.